Anna Phipps

Who I help

SME’s. Start-ups. High-growth businesses. Business owners & directors. Medium-sized organisations. Large international organisations. Public sector.

How I help

Change Management. Team Development. Leadership Development. Performance Management. Organisational Design.

“I really care about both my clients and their employees.”

Anna Phipps is a Leadership & Organisational Development Consultant based in our Belfast office and is passionate about the benefits Organisational Development can bring to organisations and their people. She describes it as being “about making changes in organisations that support and enable its effectiveness and improve performance while always putting people at the heart of the change process”.

Anna loves the variety that her role brings, one day she might be working with clients to articulate organisational values, while another she might be implementing a performance management system or conducting a training needs analysis. “I really care about both my clients and their employees, and I know the real, tangible benefits OD interventions can bring to them. That’s why I make it my mission to use my knowledge and expertise to find the most effective solution to their challenges.”

Leading with honesty and building trust

I’m always open and honest with clients, telling them what they need to know so we can work together to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. A client once told me that what they loved about working with me was that they could trust me to always be straightforward and honest with them, and that’s what I’ll always aim to do. I truly believe that any effective relationship with a client will be built on trust which leads to mutual respect, openness, good communication and collaboration – all essential elements for success.

Solutions that make a difference

“I love building relationships and taking the time to really listen and fully understand individual client needs so that I can design a personalised solution that works for them and their people. Every client is unique and there is no better feeling than knowing that a solution I have designed in collaboration with a client has met its objective and ultimately resulted in a more engaged and motivated workforce performing to the best of their abilities to support organisational effectiveness.”

Working alongside brilliant people

“The most satisfying part of working with colleagues is knowing that I’m part of a brilliant team of people that are all passionate about the work we do, support each other and enjoy working together. I strongly believe in the importance of continuous learning and development as that is how we grow and innovate, and I love that I can learn from the expertise and perspectives of the people I work with which improves my own practice and gives me new insights and ideas.”

Flexing to clients’ needs

“I’m happy to work in whatever way best suits my clients. Whether that’s a catch-up in person somewhere in town with a cup of tea (and a scone), meeting them in their offices or a virtual conversation.

The advancements in technology mean that now communication is both easier and more readily available. No matter where we are, clients have access to us and I think that’s so important, and that flexibility helps us to ensure we’re providing a high-quality service every time.”

People are key to success

There is so much constant change happening now – we live in a VUCA world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. The impact of Covid and the growth in new technology such as AI is changing the world of work. In order to stay competitive organisations are having to become more agile and really understand how their employees are impacted to support them to perform at their best.

By creating effective processes and a positive work culture with an emphasis on employee needs, development and continuous learning, organisations can adapt, innovate and improve their productivity and effectiveness. For me, there is no organisation without its people so ensuring all employees know they are valued and are developed, motivated and engaged is crucial.

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Annie Scaife

Who I help

Individuals. People leaders. Teams. Business leaders. SME’s. Large Corporates. State Organisations.

How I help

Learning & Development Interventions. Psychometrics. Coaching. Strategic Mentoring.

Sectors/ Support

Pharmaceuticals. Financial Services. Education. Tourism. Public Sector.

“With change comes opportunity”

Annie Scaife is a People & Culture Principal. Based in our Dublin office, she provides her clients with a wide range of Learning, Organisational Development Services and Coaching support.

Annie is driven by helping people to bring their best selves to work. She takes a holistic approach that is informed by a range of disciplines and empowers people to connect to a meaningful and sustainable sense of purpose at work.

Making a difference that makes the difference

“I work with a wide range of clients to help them find better ways to connect individuals and teams to meaningful and sustainable success. Our work together often includes a blend of carefully curated learning and development interventions, psychometrics, coaching and strategic mentoring.

Through careful listening, we explore what great looks like together. Working together enables us to identify any blockers or barriers to success and helps us to erase any limiting beliefs in the organisation.”

Organisations that have people at their core

“In a world of constant change, building strong relationships with clients is key. The clients I support are open and honest with me which is crucial to the work I do. They understand that I have their best interest and their organisations’ success at the core of everything I do. My work centres on helping people and teams to navigate uncertainty with confidence. How do I do this? By helping them to embrace the power of professional vulnerability.

I get to work with such a variety of people, yet they all have something in common- they are employee-centric and passionate about the well-being of their people. Knowing that going in helps me to work on creating the right solutions for them.”

Trusted Advisor

“I’m someone who is solution-focused- when a client comes to me with a problem, I will work to reach a conclusion with them that is authentic to who they are as a business and that is in their best interest. My aim is for them to think of me as a trusted thinking partner.

I’ll always make myself available for clients when they need me. I want them to be able to pick up the phone to me at any point because they know that even if I can’t help and don’t have the answer for them someone in the team or even in the wider group will be able to help and I will endeavour to get an answer for them.”

I focus on helping people to get comfortable with change and uncertainty. By learning (and then choosing) to look through the lens of optimism and possibility thinking, we frame our solution orientation from a starting question of – How might we? Getting clear and excited by a clearly defined outcome, works to connect people to experimentation, learning and growth.

Clients best interest at heart

“One of the most satisfying elements of working with clients for me is seeing the evidence of clients moving into learning and growth zones by breaking down limiting beliefs. When we can see the evidence of teams moving to sustainable levels of high performance by establishing their collective why and what matters most is so rewarding for me.

Getting to this place isn’t always easy. I promote an ethos of solution orientation and outcome focus which sometimes means telling clients things they don’t necessarily want to hear. What’s important about this, however, is that they need to hear it if they want to profess. Building trusting relationships with clients is essential here as they know that we always have their best interests at heart so even if it’s not what they want to hear they’ll know it’s coming from a place of us caring and wanting them to succeed.”

An amazing network of colleagues

“Being part of AAB People is great I work with some truly amazing people both in our team and across the wider AAB Group. The fact that we all bring to the table a wealth of knowledge and experience from different backgrounds is invaluable. It gives us an incredible opportunity to not only synergise but also collaborate. We can learn from each other and grow together. At the same time, we’re there as a support system for each other when times get tough.”

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Niall O’Higgins

Who I help

SMEs. Business owners. Medium Corporates. Public Sector.  Directors. Managers.

How I help

HR support & advice. HR Strategy. Leadership and management development. Managing complex Employee Relations cases. Employment Law Compliance. Enhancing HR Processes. Alternative Dispute Resolution.


Public Sector.

“I continuously evolve, innovate & apply my experience to deliver exceptional client results.”

Niall O’Higgins is an HR Consultant in the Retained HR team. Based in our Belfast office he supports his portfolio of clients with HR and Employment Law Support.

Niall ensures that the advice he provides his clients helps to solve any issues they are facing with their people and advises on the importance of people in taking their organisation to the next level. How does he do this? He listens first, gaining an understanding of their needs so he can deliver advice that relates to what they need and deliver that advice promptly.

Starting with a foundation of trust

“It’s really important to me that my clients think of me as a trusted advisor. I’m there to support them from a HR perspective and I have their best interests at heart.  When clients trust me, they share their true needs and challenges, allowing me to provide the most effective support. To ensure that we have that foundation of trust with clients I start by really getting to know them, understanding their business, asking questions, and genuinely taking an interest so they know I’m not just there to check a box- I’m there to add value and help where I can.

When it comes to delivery, I pride myself on ensuring that we deliver for the client, within agreed timescales and with the highest quality we can. This enables the client to see that we can support and add value and at the same time solidifies the trust they have in us because we’re delivering on time.”

Utilising knowledge and experience

“One of the most satisfying aspects of working with clients for me is being able to use my knowledge and experience to help them get results that benefit the organisation. Sometimes, a client will come to us with a difficult or complex HR issue and our job is to help them reach a resolution that is best for everyone. Finding that result and seeing the positive impact it has for those involved is amazing.

The variety of my role means that I’m supporting clients in different industries and of different sizes every day. I enjoy that no two days are the same. It means that I’m constantly adapting, learning and being able to apply the knowledge I’ve gained to help other clients”.

Welcoming new challenges

“I began my HR career in-house as an HR generalist, to now work in a consultancy-based role itself is a challenge as there’s so much for me to learn and the way I now work with clients is different. However, I believe myself to be a fast learner and curiosity has never been a bad thing in my opinion. So, I relish the challenge this switch has presented me. There’s so much for me to learn and I’m so excited to do exactly that. I can’t wait to grow my technical knowledge while also developing consultancy-specific skills at the same time.”

Exciting opportunities

“I feel that I’ve joined the firm at a really exciting time. Both the professional services and people sides of AAB are growing and what this means for the people within the business and our clients is amazing. We’re growing our service offerings and that’s enabling us to deliver a truly unparalleled service. I’m excited to be part of this journey”.

There’s no I in team

“Here at AAB people, we’re firm believers in the power of collaboration within our client’s teams. It’s so important that they collaborate and work together to achieve their goals. It’s not, however, just something we want for our clients, it’s lived within our team also every day.

We have a team of 60+ experts across HR, Health & Safety, Learning and Development which is so beneficial for me as there’s no shortage of people I can turn to when I have a query or when something isn’t going right. Everyone is more than happy to help by providing support and advice.”

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

What Does The Historic Election Result Mean For Your Business?

Following the general election and the appointment of a new Labour Government, we can expect upcoming changes in employment law. A “New Deal for Working People” was a key element of Labour’s campaign, committed to giving voices to workers, improving their terms and conditions, and ensuring protections at work.

Labour has pledged to implement this new deal within the first 100 days of being in power, setting a deadline of October. However, the comprehensive details of the plan have not been released yet, and further development is needed over the coming months. We view this as an evolving situation and believe it is unlikely the entire plan will be fully operational within this ambitious timeline due to the need for further clarity and consultation on procedural requirements. Within the new deal, Labour outlined significant changes to be implemented and we have set out a brief summary of some of these below. However, it’s important to remember that it would be premature to make structural changes to your organisation as the evolving situation is exactly that, evolving. With no certainty in this area, our advice is for everyone to keep calm, don’t panic but keep yourself appraised of the situation. That’s why we’ve pulled together some key highlights of what’s been shared so far.

Day one rights – what does this mean?

Employees will have increased rights from day one, eliminating qualifying periods for unfair dismissal, flexible working, sick pay, and parental leave.

Currently, there is a three-day waiting period before employees are entitled to statutory sick pay, but the Government plans to make this a day-one right, which could be implemented quickly given that similar measures were temporarily introduced during the pandemic.

Although no more qualifying periods for unfair dismissal is proposed, we do not see this being an easy thing to implement quickly and Government will need further clarity, and consultation on the procedural requirements before it can be brought into force. If implemented, it is important to note that this will not prevent fair dismissal, organisations will still be able to operate probationary periods and the aim of this change will be to ensure that new employees are not dismissed without reason and will help to drive standards within workplaces.

Single Status of ‘Worker’

Labour has proposed to move towards a single status of ‘worker’ instead of employees, workers and self-employed having different levels of employment rights and protection. This will mean that all workers will have equal employment rights and we believe this could be difficult to implement due to the complexity of determining the employment rights each category of worker currently has, and therefore, we would expect this to fall outside of the 100 days that Labour has committed to.

Living Wage

The Labour Government proposes to make the National Minimum Wage (NMW) reflect the real Living Wage and will remove the age bandings attached to NMW which they believe to be discriminatory to ensure every worker is entitled to the same living wage. If implemented, this could mean organisations being required to give pay rises to their workers. It is likely that this will not be put into action until 2025 as NMW rates are annually reviewed and typically released in April each year. Any proposed changes or new implementations we would expect to align with this timeline.

Zero-Hour Contracts and ‘Fire-and-Rehire’

Labour proposes to make significant changes to the zero-hour contracts, they aim to ban exploitative zero-hour contracts to ensure all jobs have a baseline level of security and predictability and that workers have the right to a contract that properly reflects their regular hours of work. It is important to know that this change will not prevent organisations from offering fixed-term contracts which are important in industries that offer seasonal work.

Labour has proposed to end ‘fire-and-rehire’ so that workers can properly negotiate their terms and conditions with their employers.

Disability & Ethnic Pay Gap Reporting

It will become mandatory to report on disability and ethnicity pay gaps to tackle workplace inequalities. Many larger organisations are already reporting on this, and it will only be mandatory for organisations of 250 employees or more, suggesting that this change may not significantly impact workplaces.

Even though the reporting requirement for disability and ethnicity pay gaps is mandatory for organisations with 250 employees or more, smaller organisations should also be vigilant and ensure they are compliant. By adhering to these standards, even smaller organisations can contribute to combating discrimination in the workplace and promoting equality. This proactive approach not only aligns with legal obligations but also fosters an inclusive and fair work environment for all employees, regardless of the organisation’s size.

Trade Unions

Labour has proposed to strengthen trade union rights. They plan to implement new rights designed to empower unions in their efforts to recruit, organise, and secure improved conditions for their members. These measures include streamlining the process for unions to gain official recognition, ensuring a fair right of entry for union activities within workplaces, and enhancing protections for union representatives and officials.

Given the significant impact of these changes, trade unions will naturally want to be actively involved in the development and implementation of these changes. Their participation is crucial to ensure that the measures are effective and truly beneficial for their members. Therefore, this collaborative process is likely to extend the timeline for these changes to come into action, as it will require thorough discussions, negotiations, and potential adjustments based on union feedback.

How can AAB People Help?

As we adapt to a new Labour Government, it is crucial for us to stay updated on the latest developments and understand their implications for our clients. We are dedicated to ensuring our clients remain well-informed and supported during these transitions in employment law. Our commitment is to provide guidance and assistance in navigating any forthcoming changes, ensuring that our clients are equipped to manage them effectively.

In the meantime if you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with James Richardson, or your usual AAB People contact.


Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Emer Hinphey


Leaders within organisations. 


Supporting leaders to improve and build their own capabilities. Problem-solving. Advising clients on problems and opportunities. Fine tuning what clients really need and working alongside them to deliver results.


All sectors. 

“Being a leader requires assertiveness, bravery, & an ability to make sure your voice is heard.”

Based in Belfast, Emer Hinphey is a Partner in AAB People. Emer was the CEO and Co-Founder of Think People Consulting, which has become part of AAB People. Emer’s approach is the same as AAB People’s: practical and pragmatic; bespoke to the size, culture, and objectives of each unique organisation. Emer works with the team to develop and implement business-propelling people and culture solutions and sustaining lasting partnerships with clients, many of whom Emer has worked with for years, even decades! 


“I have a history of building strong, honest relationships with clients, some of which I can now call friends. It’s hugely rewarding to help a client either individually or for the sake of the business, to bounce off ideas and develop approaches that optimise opportunities for them in the short and long term. I really thrive in client facing work and have enjoyed the opportunity to work across industry sectors and with scaling business to global PLCs. It can be challenging at times to juggle the differing demands, I really enjoy the range of work involved – it suits my personality and certainly never gets boring!” 


“We’re a people-centred business but tech is certainly where a lot of the future opportunities lie. We’re benefitting greatly from a tech-enabled approach that sees us delivering leadership programmes around the world. 

We also work on global face to face projects.  One of our high-profile global clients recently commented on an event we ran for 120 of their leaders coming together from around the world: “this is the best quality event we have run for many years.” We can be perceived as small being based on the island of Ireland, but I’m proud that the knowledge and skills we have as team and AAB Group are world class!” 


“Having co-founded a business myself, I bring an entrepreneurial mindset to the job and can relate to the feelings and situations that a lot of my clients experience. Being a leader requires a level of assertiveness, bravery, and an ability to make sure your voice is heard in a way that people respect and hear you. I believe the success of our client base is a testament to the level of new thinking we bring to an organisation and individual, no matter where they are in their journey.” 


“It’s important that HR people see themselves as businesspeople and build the expertise required to deliver genuinely differentiating commercial and strategic solutions for the organisation. The industry is improving but there’s still a long way to go – if we can learn anything from the past few years, it’s that people and culture need to be seen as a strategic component, not just firefighting!” 

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Chris Deary

Who I Help

Private organisations. Charities.

How I Help

Learning and Development Solutions. ILM-accredited qualification programmes. DiSC ® Psychometrics. Soft skills development.


Private Sector. Public Sector. Not for Profit.

“I always bring professionalism, genuine curiosity, & a willingness to help.”

Chris Deary is a Senior Learning & Development Consultant based in our Belfast Office. He supports a diverse range of clients across the private, public and third sectors across the United Kingdom and Ireland with bespoke learning & development solutions. Chris is a firm believer that people are integral to an organisation’s success, and he supports and helps his clients to create that success through developing the capability of their people.

Alongside delivering bespoke solutions, Chris is the programme director for our ENGAGE management development academy. ENGAGE was created with managers at its core and offers the ILM-accredited Level 4 Certificate in Leadership & Management.

Pride In The ‘Eureka’ Moments

“When working with clients there’s three things I always bring- professionalism, genuine curiosity, and a willingness to help. I want the best for my clients so that means always asking the most pertinent questions to fully understand their context and challenges they’re facing. I’m also willing to take the time to reach the right conclusion, solution, or outcome. When we take the time to work with clients, we can help them diagnose problems and reach solutions that get to the root cause of the issues they face. I’m passionate about building lasting, trust-based partnerships with my clients.

There are many things I love about my job but achieving those ‘light bulb’ or ‘eureka’ moments during a workshop or meeting is extremely satisfying and encouraging. It leaves me feeling great knowing that the support I’ve given to them has resonated and that they understand something they might not have understood before. To see the learning material or guidance truly resonate with the client, I can’t think of a better feeling.”

Challenging The Status Quo

“I build relationships with clients through giving open, honest feedback and often challenge the status quo and strongly held views, doing so at all times in a values-led way and to help the client to address the true root cause of the problem / place their focus on the issues that truly matter most. The great thing about our team is the open and ready diffusion of knowledge and skills that exists across the team – we truly are a “Learning Organisation”.

Together… We Can!

“As the AAB portfolio expands, so too does its service offerings. I’m excited at the prospect of being able to cross-sell our broader range of services to our existing clients as well as those who may initially enquire about HR and Learning and Development interventions. Collaboration is our superpower, and I am a great believer in the idea that ‘together… we can’! I always start out a project by asking myself – ‘what knowledge and expertise on this is there among the team and how can I draw on and build upon this for my particular client and their context’? My strong collaborative working ethos allows me to readily build rapport and strike up positive working relationships with colleagues and clients alike. “

Capable & Competent Strategic Partners

“I’m keen to banish the often-stereotypical view of HR as either performing a ‘policing’ role on the one hand – the custodian of policy and procedures – or dealing with the ‘pink and fluffy stuff on the other’… the reality is, we are capable strategic partners to the business. Some of the most important issues to address in the areas of people management and leadership are recruitment and selection, talent attraction and retention, leadership development, equality, diversity, and inclusion. These matters are becoming increasingly prominent due to the ever-tightening nature of the labour market, so we work to assist clients to respond appropriately to these matters by providing bespoke solutions learning and development interventions that best address their particular needs to ensure they do things right – procedurally correct – and do the right thing – always considering their decisions through a moral and ethical lens.”

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Jacqui Jolmes

Who I help

SMEs. Start-ups. Family businesses. High-growth businesses. Multinationals. Higher education. Charities.

How I help

Building tailored & impactful programmes. Delivering high quality leadership solutions.


Public sector. Not-for-profits.

“I Deliver learning & development solutions that transform leaders.”

Jacqui Jolmes is a Principal for Learning and Development. Based in our Belfast office she helps clients by delivering high quality leadership development solutions throughout the UK and Ireland. She’s a firm believer that people are organisations biggest differentiators and are at the heart of organisational success.

Jacqui’s goal is to foster brilliant leadership at all levels. Through tailored, impactful programmes, we inspire leaders that stand out for their ability to inspire, connect, and make a lasting difference enhancing their organisations’ performance and shape their industries and markets.

Realising Potential

“When I work with clients, I integrate the latest insights from behavioural change, neuroscience, and leadership best practices to craft optimal development solutions. My greatest joy comes from seeing a people apply their learning, realising the difference it makes and fostering an appetite for continuous personal development.

I am certified in DiSC and Insights Psychometric Tools. I’m an advocate for these tools to enhance self-awareness and see them add value to learning and development solutions by providing individuals with a deeper understanding of their behavioural preferences, communication styles, and interpersonal dynamics. This awareness is a foundation of personal and professional growth, as it allows individuals to identify their strengths, areas for improvement, and how they can adapt their behaviour to work more effectively with others. In learning and development solutions, these insights facilitate more targeted and impactful leadership development, foster better teamwork, decision making, and resilience, all of which link directly to sustainable organisational performance.”

I fundamentally believe in leaders and their potential, and in our ability, at AAB People to guide and shape that potential. The values I bring to my work are curiosity, openness, excellence and inclusivity.”

No two days the same

“One of my favourite parts of my role is the diversity of every day. One day I’m helping a team understand their different personalities and communication preferences to foster better ways of working. The next day I can be working with a group of future leaders helping them engage more strategically within their business. What stays constant though, is my strong desire to bring a fresh approach and encourage positive change.

The range of learning and development solutions I lead includes tailored management and leadership development programmes, high potential and emerging leaders programmes, graduate development programmes, career navigation, learning calendar solutions, communities of practice, team development activities, stand-alone workshops on specific topics such as communication, resilience and change navigation.”

Crafting tailored solutions

“Always listen first is my motto. Before crafting a solution I must understand the client’s values, strategy, culture, and goals for the project. This ensures that we deliver highly relevant interactive, engaging and thought-provoking learning experiences.”

Making a tangible difference

“I appreciate that our clients need to know their investment in learning and development is providing a return for the business. Good leadership development leaves clues and we work with clients from programme initiation to identify measures for success that demonstrate the impact of leadership development on business results.”

Excited for the possibilities the future brings

“At AAB People we work across the UK and Ireland. With so many specialists and truly innovative and excellent people in our team, I’m constantly inspired to work harder, do better, be better and achieve more. Working in a team like this is motivating and helps me work towards my career goals.

I love being able to support members of the team with their personal career goals as well. As a principal I’m able to share my knowledge and experiences with them and to see them grow in confidence, ability and competence is amazing. As leaders I think we have a really important role to help shape our own successors – it’s something that I take very seriously and am passionate about.”

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Lisa Morrison

Who I help

Sole traders. Multinational organisation. Public sectors bodies.

How I help

Reviewing policies. Recruitment onboarding.


Public Sector.

“My aim is to provide as much value as possible.”

Based in our Belfast office, Lisa Morrison is an HR Associate Consultant. In her role Lisa assists the consultants with client delivery. As such, she gets involved with tasks across a wide range of HR functions. One day she might be supporting in the review of policies for one client while another she might be taking part in the initial stages of the recruitment process- screening potential candidates.

As someone more junior in the team. Lisa loves that her role places her in the prime position to learn and develop from those in more senior roles. Working alongside them to help her achieve her career goals.

Active listening helps to build relationships

“Something really important in building relationships is active listening I believe it’s one of the most underrated tools out there. Sometimes we might think we’re listening to someone but we’re not fully comprehending what they’re saying and what it means. When we actively listen however, we’re able to really understand what the person is saying, responding and reflect on that and retain that information for later.

This helps us to create open and honest relationships with clients because they know we care- they know we’ve taken the time to get to know them, what they want and how we can help them. When we actively listen, we instantly have better communication.”

Rare two days are the same

“One of my favourite parts of my role is just how much variety there is. There’s variety in our clients in our workloads and across the team. As someone who came from an inhouse HR role. I’m really enjoying all that variety. It’s enabled me to develop new though processes when it comes to providing advice to clients and it’s enabled me to learn from so many colleagues. Already in such a short space of time I’ve widened my HR knowledge tenfold.”

Best of both worlds

“I’m really enjoying having a hybrid work pattern. Knowing that I don’t have to be in the office every day helps me to prioritise tasks that need more focus at home. The virtual element of being a tech-enabled business is great for that because it means I can do my job from anywhere and still provide as much value for clients and to the consultants I support.

At the same time. I love being face-to-face. Being in the office gives me such an opportunity to listen and learn from the team. It helps me to develop those relationships, ask them questions and further my knowledge. A hybrid approach helps us to have the best of both worlds.”

What we can achieve together, is immeasurable

“The importance of collaboration cannot be denied. It’s something I saw when coming into AAB People and something I’ve seen everyday since. We are stronger as a team in numbers. We all want to see our colleagues win and help our clients achieve their goals. Everyone is so willing to help and more than willing to answer any questions I might have which helps me to develop.

The AAB People teamwork across the UK and Ireland. To be able to effectively work as a team collaboration is so important. That might look different i.e. it might be collaborating on a project or collaborating by sharing knowledge. No matter what we’re collaborating on it’s always happening across the team. This is so important to me because there’s no better team in my eyes than us when we work together to achieve a common goal. Being in a team like this is so motivating for me, it pushes me to want to do better and play my part in delivering a high-quality service as a team.”

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Keara Paterson

Who I help

SMEs. Large corporates. Banks. Public sector organisations.

How I help

Comprehensive & strategic HR support. Organisational restructuring.

“I am committed to anticipating and addressing potential issues before they escalate.”

Keara Paterson is a Senior HR Consultant based in our Belfast office. She offers strategic HR support and guidance to a diverse range of organisations from leisure, retail & hospitality to transport, tech banking and education authorities.

Keara utilises her knowledge and experience in HR to help her clients to navigate statutory requirements best practices and relevant case law. For her, each day bring new challenges and opportunities to support her clients. One day she might be assisting with the implementing of policy changes, updating handbooks while another/ she might be handling intricate grievances, disciplinaries or redundancies. No matter what she’s doing- she aims to provide a high-quality service each and every time.

A service that is bespoke to the clients needs

“For me, an ideal relationship with clients is one where I have a deep understanding of their business, employees, and clientele. I don’t want to deliver a service they can find just anywhere or deliver generic solutions- I aim to offer a tailored and bespoke service that required me to truly get to know them their wants and needs so I can ensure my support caters to the needs of both their workforce and business operations.

Effective communication, transparency, and responsiveness are key elements in maintaining a strong client relationship. I actively listen to the client, take proactive steps to address their concerns, and demonstrate a sincere interest in their success to fostering a positive and long-lasting partnership. I take pride in being easily reachable via phone or email and strive to maintain a strong working rapport with my client.”

Efficiency and flexibility are gained through virtual meetings

“I prefer to be in person for most of my meetings. I value the personal connection and empathy that comes with in-person communication; however, I also recognise the efficiency and flexibility offered by virtual methods. Understanding the importance of adapting to different situations, I believe in leveraging technology for virtual collaboration, when necessary, while always prioritising the human touch for fostering deeper relationships and understanding. I have to take each scenario as they come and decide the best approach, no journey is too far for me to travel to if I feel it is the correct approach.

Being physically present during the delivery of sensitive news enables me to gauge the employee’s reactions, provide immediate emotional support, and answer questions in real-time, thereby demonstrating compassion and respect for the individual’s dignity. Additionally, face-to-face communication allows for non-verbal cues to be observed and addressed, which can significantly influence the employee’s perception of the situation and their ability to cope with the news.

Often delivering difficult outcomes solely through virtual means can feel impersonal, detached, and devoid of the necessary emotional support. It may leave the employee feeling isolated, undervalued, and disrespected, exacerbating the emotional impact. Without the opportunity for direct human interaction, there is a heightened risk of miscommunication, misunderstanding, and increased emotional distress for the employee. Delivering difficult messages over virtual can be challenging. However, delivering quick HR support and advice over virtual channels offers immediate accessibility, efficiency, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and scalability, ultimately enhancing overall HR service delivery and employee satisfaction.”

My greatest strengths

“As a Senior HR Consultant, my greatest strengths lie in my extensive experience and expertise in managing complex HR cases, including sensitive health capability cases, redundancies, disciplinaries, and organisational restructures. I possess a wealth of knowledge in employment law, which I continually enhance through dedicated research, including studying tribunal cases during my free time.

My proactive approach to HR is my biggest strength as I am committed to anticipating and addressing potential issues before they escalate, always striving to provide innovative and effective solutions to my clients. Moreover, my genuine passion for HR drives my dedication to the job, inspiring confidence and trust in my clients as they recognise my unwavering commitment to their success.”

Proud to support a diverse range of clients

Sean McAuley


Any Private or Public Sector Organisation.  


Whistleblowing Service. Fraud Prevention and Investigation.  


Government. Leisure. Hospitality & Retail. Financial Services. Industrial. Food and Drink. Healthcare. Public & Third Sector.  


Sean McAuley is the Senior Manager of our specialist Whistleblowing team. The service gives clients a comprehensive set of safe and secure reporting channels that their employees can access should they have any concerns about unethical behaviour which may be occurring in their organisation. Employees can speak to a trained call handler in confidence, 24/7, 365 days a year.  

Sean’s role is to forge and manage relationships with clients who use the service around the UK and worldwide. He also plays a central role in shaping and growing the business, looking for innovations in its service delivery and ensuring clients receive the services in accordance with their unique service needs. Based in Aberdeen, Sean also heads up the firm’s Fraud Prevention and Investigative Service where he advises on policies and procedures and undertakes comprehensive fraud risk assessments to organisations. Sean is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.   


“I worked in local government for more than two decades investigating widespread fraud before AAB asked me to join them and manage the whistleblowing services. I’m an organised, innovative individual with extensive experience both as a counter-fraud manager and in project management. I’m a certified Fraud Investigations Manager and a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) so AAB knew I had all the experience they needed to do a great job for them. Now with the fantastic support of AAB and my team, we have grown the business to the essential service that it is today.”  


“I think I’m quite a dogmatic person. If there’s something I want to do, I will persevere until I get there. But on the other side of the coin, I’m also very approachable and a good communicator. So when I’m dealing with people, I think they warm to me and find me easy to get on with.  

I would also say that I’m loyal – something that I believe is incredibly important in any organisation. Clients need to know that you’re invested. That you’ll still be there when they need you. And they want someone they can trust. It’s all about giving them confidence really.”  


“Although I have extensive experience in fraud and whistleblowing, this is my first role where business development is a fundamental and key area in delivering services. This is why building relationships with our clients is important. I’m open, transparent and ensure that I’m always there for them. And when someone shows an interest in my service, I want to be reactive and give our clients as much useful information as I can to ensure that their services are provided in accordance with their unique service needs. I think in doing that we offer a service that’s discreet, sensitive, professional and really important. And I’m proud of that.”  


“Trust, impartiality, and protection are the three key areas that both define, and are embedded in, our whistleblowing services. We build trust by supporting whistle-blowers with empathy and understanding throughout their journey. Listening to employees without bias and taking no sides in the raising of whistleblowing reports is key to building trust and reflecting our independence and confidentiality. This is why putting time into these key crucial areas ensure we continually improve our services for our clients now and into the future. Having the right resources in place with the right expertise and experience embodied with the right technology will continue to allow us to grow and thrive, while allowing it to become one of the most valued whistleblowing service providers across the globe.” 

Proud to support a diverse range of clients