The Importance of The Employee Experience

As we move into the fifth month of 2023, the Employee Experience continues to evolve following the upheaval created by Covid-19, which pushed us to adopt remote workforces and adapt to the ever-changing economic factors. There is no doubt that…

Katie Dunn, author of employee experience AAB People blog

Blog28th Apr 2023

By Katie Dunn

As we move into the fifth month of 2023, the Employee Experience continues to evolve following the upheaval created by Covid-19, which pushed us to adopt remote workforces and adapt to the ever-changing economic factors.

There is no doubt that business have had to move away from the usual 9-5, Monday to Friday desk option that once was the default, opting now to provide employees with much more flexible working structures. Implementing an IT structure that supports a workforce spread across various locations and engaging their people in new ways that also supports continued business growth in what is still a difficult period.

So how have these changes effected the Employee Experience?

How are Your Employees Feeling?

There is no argument that these changes have induced some hugely positive effects, paving the way for flexibility, a focus on health and wellbeing, hybrid and sometimes completely remote working, with employees enjoying a better work/ life balance.

Of course, it’s not all been positive. In a recent survey carried out by GITNUX in March 2023 (a company who look for trends in the market), they found that 25% of employees don’t feel appreciated and 47% feel overwhelmed at work.

They also reported that Job satisfaction in the UK is low, with only 64% of employees happy in their current role and 59% considering leaving their jobs.

And because of this, the need to understand, review and continue to provide a first-class Employee Experience is paramount to stay ahead when it comes to engaging and retaining your workforce.

What is the Employee Experience?

There are many elements that make up the Employee Experience. If you think of this as the way an employee interprets the interactions they have with their employer as well as the fundamentals behind that relationship through all the “touch points” of the employee lifecycle.

This cycle starts with the employee’s initial contact with the employer, right through to their exit and everything in between from their physical workplace to the company culture.

Here are some of the Essential Positive Components to your Employees Experience:

  • First Impressions- an employee’s first few days, weeks and months are pivotal to their ongoing happiness and success in the role. This is everything from your work processes, people, culture, and core values.
  • Your Company Culture- A great company culture will foster a great employee experience. Together they can lead to valuable business benefits such as increased productivity, reduce turnover and greater employee satisfaction.
  • Clarity in Your Company’s Purpose, Vision, and Values- These show who you really are as a business and what you are trying to achieve. They will help your people to work together towards common goals.
  • Mindfulness and Wellbeing- This gives your employees the permission and space to think, which in turn will increase mental agility, self-awareness, creativity, and resilience.

It is vital you look at how your employees perceive their relationship and experience with the business in order to be successful. The competition for the top talent is highly competitive!

Measures/ Evaluating Your Employee Experience

So how can you evaluate how your own workforce are feeling in order to ensure you are providing a great employee experience?

  • Regular Pulse and Your Voice Surveys- Ask your employees how they are feeling- don’t be afraid of feedback!
  • Internal Referrals- Are your employees happy enough they would recommend you to their work connections/friends?
  • Retention and Recruitment Rates- What does your turnover look like and are you collecting data through exit interview? What are the main reasons for applicants not accepting offers of employment?
  • Absenteeism- Are there patterns?
  • Recognition- How do you recognize good work and reward your hard-working employees?
  • Wellness- What do you have in place to really look after your employees?

These are all sources you have available at your fingertips, to be able to review how your employees are feeling and really evaluate how you are doing as their employer.

The Importance of Wellbeing on Your Employee Experience

There are many elements to the employee experience that are key to success. Wellbeing and mindfulness were extremely hot topics for 2022 and are set to continue into 2023. Some examples of how businesses have enhanced their employee’s wellbeing experience are:

  • Flexible and hybrid working
  • Duvet Days/ Mental Health Days
  • Day off for occasions; such as your child’s first day at school, graduation, moving into your first house.
  • Online wellness sessions on company time; yoga classes and breathwork sessions
  • Corporate Reflexology
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Group fitness; Step Challenges, football clubs and Sports Days
  • Discounted Gym Memberships
  • Wellness Zones and Pods within the office

Benefits you’ll receive in recognition of providing a First-Class Employee Experience?

The benefits to providing a first-class employee experience are not just important in the here and now but will continue to add value and reward to your business in many ways.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Boomerang Employees- employees who have left for pastures new to realise the grass isn’t always greener and come back.
  • Attract and Retain Higher Quality Candidates- People will hear what it is like to work for you and want to join you! You will receive referrals from your employees and draw candidates away from your competitors. Not to mention, your current employees wont want to leave.
  • Your Employees Feel Valued- which in turn means they will work hard and feel engaged in the business.
  • Increased Productivity- Increased engagement leads to increased productivity. Companies with an engaged workforce will outperform others with a disengaged workforce.

We work with a lot of clients reviewing their ever-changing Employee Experience, to help them ensure they are sowing the seeds to reap the benefits of providing this first-class service.

We can help you stay ahead in this competitive market, get in contact with Katie Dunn, or your usual AAB People contact.

By Katie Dunn

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