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  1. Blog28th Apr 2020

    What is Occupational Fraud & Why Must We Take it Seriously?

    What is it? Occupational fraud refers to a fraud committed by an employee, against his or her employer. It is defined as the use of one’s occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or misapplication of the employing organisations…

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  2. Blog22nd Apr 2020

    Virtual onboarding

    A Guide to Virtual Onboarding

    Recent weeks have seen many of us adapting to remote working from home offices, and businesses juggling to continue operating in a whole new environment.  Whilst many companies have put a temporary hold on recruiting and onboarding new talent, not…

    By Rhona Macleod

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  3. Blog17th Mar 2020

    Gagging Order Changes to Enhance Protection for Whistleblowers

    Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) can be used to prevent the spreading of anything likely to damage an organisation’s reputation or can apply to sensitive commercial information or trade secrets. In new guidance on NDA’s, Susan Clews, the chief executive of ACAS, said: “NDAs can be used…

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  4. Blog12th Nov 2019

    An Employee Voice – Eliminating the ‘Them & Us’ Culture

    With managers under growing pressure to increase productivity and look after profit margins it is all too easy to overlook one of the most important areas within an organisation, the staff culture itself. Culture can be difficult to define and…

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  5. Blog9th Oct 2019


    Creating a Positive Mental Health Culture in the Workplace

    World Mental Health Day on October 10th celebrates a global effort to address mental health and promotes openness and discussion about this increasingly prevalent topic. However, despite the high-profile focus and increased awareness of mental health over the last few…

    By Donna Wrigglesworth

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  6. Blog2nd Sep 2019

    How Employers Can Take Reasonable Steps to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    Harassment in the workplace can take many forms and can often relate to protected characteristics such as race, religion, belief, sex or sexual orientation. In the UK, the Equality Act 2010 (‘The Equality Act’) sets out strong, clear protections against…

    By Sean McAuley

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  7. Blog21st Aug 2019

    The Drive for UK Whistleblowing Reform Gaining Momentum

    Whistleblowing is one of the most cost-effective means of enabling businesses to protect themselves from the negative impacts of unethical behaviour. It is the first line of defence against crime, fraud and corruption found across businesses. As such, it is…

    By Sean McAuley

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  8. Blog23rd May 2019

    How Sporting Bodies can Kick Discrimination into Touch

    In recent times, we have seen a significant trend in the number of employees who have brought discrimination cases against their employers in the sporting profession. Discrimination comes in many forms and occurs when someone is treated unfairly because of…

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  9. Blog26th Apr 2019

    New EU Laws to Provide Greater Protection for Whistleblowers

    On the 16th April 2019, the European Parliament and the Member States approved new rules guaranteeing a high level of protection for whistleblowers across a wide range of sectors when they report breaches of EU law. In the aftermath of…

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  10. Blog7th Mar 2019

    Protecting Whistleblowers Not Criminality

    HOW DOES THE UK GOVERNMENT’S NEW BANNING OF GAGGING ORDERS AIM TO ENHANCE PROTECTION FOR WHISTLEBLOWERS? The UK government’s recent announcement introducing measures to prevent employers from using non-disclosure agreements (NDA) to prevent employees reporting harassment, discrimination, or abuse is…

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  11. Blog25th Feb 2019

    The Empowerment of Whistleblowers – How the Wind of Social & Cultural Change is Impacting Corporate Governance

    Whistleblowing in the workplace is on the rise. Changes in legal and regulatory developments over the years have had an impact. However, the significant rise in the use of social media (#meToo movement) fake news propaganda, and economic and political distrust…

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  12. Blog23rd Jan 2019

    How an Effective Whistleblowing Solution can Enhance Safeguarding in Care Home Providers

    PROVIDING ORDINARY LIVES WITH EXTRAORDINARY SUPPORT Safeguarding is the process of protecting people from abuse or neglect and preventing impairment of their health and development. Poor levels of care or mismanagement found in care homes can have dire consequences for…

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