
Client Ops Co-Ordinator


Who I help  

Internal & external stakeholders.  

How I help  

Project Co-ordination. Supporting AAB People team. Issuing documentation. Project management.  

“I’m a problem solver at heart.”

Agne Banyte is a Client Operations Co-Ordinator. Based in our Belfast office she supports the team to deliver a high-quality clients service. Agne’s role involves piecing together a lot of moving parts. From co-ordinating projects for learning and development teams and organisation development to maintaining and managing correspondence with clients about project timelines, the scope of projects and ensuring projects are on track her role is integral to the final delivery of projects.  

Working across a variety of projects and helping the wider team ensures that everyday for her is different. Being organised and utilising internal trackers and case management systems helps Agne to ensure everything is on track and identify problems ahead of time to avoid any challenges later down the line.  

Delivering successful projects

“At the outset of projects, I make it a priority to establish clear communication and a strong relationship with our clients. It’s key as they facilitate and enable us to create successful relationships. We are working alongside our clients not just working for them. That means clearly outlining the scope of our project, the timeline and key dates along the way.  

The most important part of the project process is of course keeping clients appraised of progress, letting them know if there’s any challenges or potentially any problems, we foresee arising as soon as we spot them. At the same time we need all the relevant information about the project from the client to really know what we need to do and how we can best support them. When we’re able to work together rather than just for them there’s so much more enjoyment and we’re likely to achieve way more together than working in silos.”  

Utilising tools to help us deliver

“A successful project requires a certain element of proactivity- not just waiting for the client to get in contact for updates but ensuring we account for and plan in regular touchpoints with the clients to ensure everything is communicated. Being able to use case management systems and internal trackers helps us as a team to stay on track and best monitor our progress highlighting any problems ahead of time to ensure they don’t become blockers for us.”  

“I’m a problem solver at heart. I love being able to take what might be a complex project at first glance and break it down. Being able to approach it with a project mindset and map out what our touchpoints and deliverables are, what the process looks like and create a project plan helps us all to visualise and know what’s required of us all. As the project progresses seeing that initial plan come to fruition and knowing I had a hand in it’s successful deliver is so satisfying especially when the clients are happy with the work, we’ve delivered for them.”  

Constantly looking to improve

“I’m of the belief that there’s not only one way to get a job done. I’m more than happy to constantly challenge the ways of working. Whether that’s how we deliver communications, our projects or the tasks involved. Just because something was always done one way it doesn’t mean it’s the way we always have to do it. I am always thinking how can we do things better? Which helps us to create more efficiency within the team.”  

Organisation & communication help us to deliver

“The variety of my role means that I’m often working with different people. Both across our team and externally where I might be supporting a variety of clients. While this is something I really enjoy it can at the same time present challenges. Often everyone already has a preferred way of working that can at times clash with others.  

The way in which I overcome this challenge is twofold- on the one hand you have organisation. At their outset we create project plans to give us a clear overview and roadmap of how the project should play out, keeping everyone right. This helps us to overcome any differences of opinion that might sway us from our end goal. 

The other is communication- there’s a really important level of mutual understanding and respect that we have with our clients and team. So, whenever there’s uncertainty or disagreements communication helps us to overcome this problem.”  

Proud to support a diverse range of clients