Who I Help

Private organisations. Charities.

How I Help

Learning and Development Solutions. ILM-accredited qualification programmes. DiSC ® Psychometrics. Soft skills development.


Private Sector. Public Sector. Not for Profit.

“I always bring professionalism, genuine curiosity, & a willingness to help.”

Chris Deary is a Senior Learning & Development Consultant based in our Belfast Office. He supports a diverse range of clients across the private, public and third sectors across the United Kingdom and Ireland with bespoke learning & development solutions. Chris is a firm believer that people are integral to an organisation’s success, and he supports and helps his clients to create that success through developing the capability of their people.

Alongside delivering bespoke solutions, Chris is the programme director for our ENGAGE management development academy. ENGAGE was created with managers at its core and offers the ILM-accredited Level 4 Certificate in Leadership & Management.

Pride In The ‘Eureka’ Moments

“When working with clients there’s three things I always bring- professionalism, genuine curiosity, and a willingness to help. I want the best for my clients so that means always asking the most pertinent questions to fully understand their context and challenges they’re facing. I’m also willing to take the time to reach the right conclusion, solution, or outcome. When we take the time to work with clients, we can help them diagnose problems and reach solutions that get to the root cause of the issues they face. I’m passionate about building lasting, trust-based partnerships with my clients.

There are many things I love about my job but achieving those ‘light bulb’ or ‘eureka’ moments during a workshop or meeting is extremely satisfying and encouraging. It leaves me feeling great knowing that the support I’ve given to them has resonated and that they understand something they might not have understood before. To see the learning material or guidance truly resonate with the client, I can’t think of a better feeling.”

Challenging The Status Quo

“I build relationships with clients through giving open, honest feedback and often challenge the status quo and strongly held views, doing so at all times in a values-led way and to help the client to address the true root cause of the problem / place their focus on the issues that truly matter most. The great thing about our team is the open and ready diffusion of knowledge and skills that exists across the team – we truly are a “Learning Organisation”.

Together… We Can!

“As the AAB portfolio expands, so too does its service offerings. I’m excited at the prospect of being able to cross-sell our broader range of services to our existing clients as well as those who may initially enquire about HR and Learning and Development interventions. Collaboration is our superpower, and I am a great believer in the idea that ‘together… we can’! I always start out a project by asking myself – ‘what knowledge and expertise on this is there among the team and how can I draw on and build upon this for my particular client and their context’? My strong collaborative working ethos allows me to readily build rapport and strike up positive working relationships with colleagues and clients alike. “

Capable & Competent Strategic Partners

“I’m keen to banish the often-stereotypical view of HR as either performing a ‘policing’ role on the one hand – the custodian of policy and procedures – or dealing with the ‘pink and fluffy stuff on the other’… the reality is, we are capable strategic partners to the business. Some of the most important issues to address in the areas of people management and leadership are recruitment and selection, talent attraction and retention, leadership development, equality, diversity, and inclusion. These matters are becoming increasingly prominent due to the ever-tightening nature of the labour market, so we work to assist clients to respond appropriately to these matters by providing bespoke solutions learning and development interventions that best address their particular needs to ensure they do things right – procedurally correct – and do the right thing – always considering their decisions through a moral and ethical lens.”

Proud to support a diverse range of clients